Who Is…………..Gabriella Nordin?

Gabby Nordin will race the 2017 season with Sunsport Velo WRT having moved over from Starley in the close season. As one of the more senior and indeed experienced members of the squad she will be charged with reading race situations and actively communicating tactics to her team mates.


Having recently written, directed and starred in a high profile and completely unsolicited advertising campaign for one of Sunsports Sponsors, Doms Ease Oil, Gabby should prove to be a media darling in the coming season. Gabby Endorses Doms

Finally, some people are just cool. You know that by looking and listening to them. Gabby is one of those and the answers she gives below verify this. Of course I may be completely wrong when the season starts and I witness her lobbing her bike in a hedge or fighting, cleats slipping and sliding on the tarmac, with one of her team mates!

Name?………  Gabriella Nordin

Age?………..  28 years old

Hometown?…..  Amal, a small town in Sweden.

Live?………… Maidenhead, near London

How Long Have You Been Cycling? ………I’ve always ridden a bike for leisure/transport. Tried my hand at road racing in 2012 and haven’t looked back since!

Career Highlight So Far?…….. Finishing 2nd in three stages of the 4-day international stage race tour of Malta last year and placing best British-based rider overall. Also finishing in the top 10 at the Tour of the Battenkill (an iconic elite race in the US) is something I’m really proud of. Racing the Prudential RideLondon GP around Buckingham palace and St James’s park in 2015 with the best riders in the world was an epic experience. The crowds and atmosphere were immense!

Biggest Influence on Your Cycling?…….. Wow, so many people. Definitely my dad. It was because of him that I started cycling in the first place. He used to kick my ass big time up the hills. In every race team/cycling club I’ve been part of there has always been more experienced riders and support staff that have taught me so much.  For that I am forever grateful!


What Are Your Ambitions in the Sport?…..  To be part of a women’s team where I can contribute with my strengths and experience to achieve the best possible result for the team, while at the same time learning from others. This year I’m hoping to do well at the Swedish National Road Race Championships and in hilly races abroad.

Who Do You Most Admire Outside of Cycling?…….. My family and close friends. They are all incredible people so I can’t just choose one!

Away From Cycling What Would Be Your Preferred Career?….. When not cycling I work part-time as an accountant. Growing up I wanted to be a firefighter!

You’re Stranded on a Desert Island with Three Famous People (dead or alive) of your Choice. Who are They?…….. Kellie Nightlinger for her well-known survival skills, Jim Carey to keep the spirits up and Channing Tatum for some eye candy!

Favourite Holiday Destination?….. Tough question. I like pretty much every place I’ve visited but Uruguay was very special. I spent three months there in 2009 learning Spanish. The people were super friendly and the scenery was breathtaking. Would love to go back some day!

Should Pineapple as a Pizza Topping be Outlawed?….. I love pineapple and pizza but some food combinations should be banned! Peanut butter goes with pretty much anything though.

When Were you Last Inebriated?….. Too long ago for me to remember! I’m not a big drinker but do enjoy a bit of wine or champagne.

Your House is on Fire. What One Possession Do You Save?……. That’s a tough question for a cyclist who has more than one bike! Ask me again when I get my Cervelo R2 from Sunsport Velo 😉 

Name a Famous Person Who Really Really Irritates You and in 5 Words Why?….. Christopher O’Regan, a Swedish historian and TV personality. He is so incredibly boring!

Strictly or X Factor?….. I don’t watch much TV but if I had to choose one it would be strictly.

Ketchup or Brown Sauce?…. Brown sauce

Cats or Dogs?….. Cats all the way! 

Ant or Dec?….. Who are they? Must confess I had to google that one!

Fish and Chips or Lentil and Cashew Nut Roast?….. Cashew Nut Roast. I love vegetarian food!

And finally (this is the deep question!) if it all ended tomorrow how would you sum it up?… What an incredibly journey it’s been but as one chapter end another one starts. Now it’s time for the next adventure!  

Great answers Gabby and now you know who the Geordie National Treasures are as well

Follow Gabby on twitter @gabriellanordin

About chrismeadsphoto

I am professional cycle sport photographer based in the North West of England. I get to as many good quality races as I am able with the aim of shooting the action and the actioneers! All photos in my blog are, unless otherwise stated, my own handiwork. All vids are to the credit of others.
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